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laser fistula surgery in agra

Laser Treatment for Anal Fistula in Agra

Laser treatment, also known as laser ablation for anal fistula, is a safe and effective surgical technique that helps treat an anal fistula. It is a minimally invasive procedure that offers several benefits. Here’s everything you need to know about laser treatment for anal fistula in Agra. Overview: Laser treatment for anal fistula is an advanced surgical procedure used to treat anal fistulas. These fistulas are small tunnels formed beneath the skin, connecting the bowel to the anus. They often result from infections, injury, or congenital defects. Symptoms include pain in the anus, pus or blood in the stools, weight loss, and swelling in the anal area. Laser treatment offers a stitch-less and painless solution with minimal post-operative complications. Laser Treatment Procedure:  Laser treatment, also known as FiLAC (fistula-tract laser closure), is a sphincter muscle-sparing procedure. Laser beams are directed at the fistula’s opening, generating heat energy to shrink the abnormal tissues within the tunnel. Different wavelengths of lasers are used, with varying tissue penetration powers. The abnormal tissues absorb the light energy, converting it to heat energy, which destroys the abnormal cells while sparing the normal ones. Typically, the tissues within the anal fistula are ablated through vaporization. About Dr. Shavez Khan – Laser Fistula Specialist in Agra: Dr. Shavez Khan is a renowned specialist in laser treatment for anal fistula in Agra. With extensive experience and expertise in the field, Dr. Khan offers state-of-the-art laser procedures for effective treatment of anal fistulas. Patients can trust Dr. Khan for personalized care and successful outcomes. Laser treatment for anal fistula offers several advantages over traditional surgical methods, including minimal pain, faster recovery, and reduced risk of complications. If you’re suffering from an anal fistula, consider consulting Dr. Shavez Khan in Agra for advanced laser treatment options. When is Laser Treatment for Anal Fistula Recommended? An anal fistula, an abnormal tube formed between the bowel and the outer anal skin, often results from an unhealed anal abscess. It is classified into four grades, ranging from low to high fistulas with single or multiple tracts. Laser treatment for anal fistula is typically recommended under the following circumstances: Failure of Conventional Methods: When other traditional surgical methods have been unsuccessful in treating the anal fistula. Severe Infection: In cases where the anal fistula is severely infected, leading to pain, high-grade fever (>103°F), and prominent blood and pus discharge in stools. Quick Recovery Needed: For individuals with busy schedules who need to resume work swiftly, as laser surgery offers a rapid recovery.   Grade II, III, and IV Anal Fistula: Laser treatment is suitable for anal fistulas classified as Grade II, III, or IV. How to Prepare For Laser Treatment for Anal Fistula? Preparation for laser treatment for anal fistula involves several steps to ensure a successful procedure: Medical Evaluation: A proctologist will evaluate your symptoms, medical history, and conduct physical examinations and diagnostic tests to determine the type and grade of the fistula. Medical History Discussion: Your doctor will inquire about your medical history, including any pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, or previous injuries or surgeries that may contribute to the development of an anal fistula. Medication Review: Provide details about any medications you are currently taking, including blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, or herbal supplements, as they may impact the treatment process. Lifestyle Habits: Inform your doctor about any lifestyle habits such as smoking or alcohol consumption, as they can affect your recovery. Physical/Clinical Examination: During the physical or clinical examination for an anal fistula, your doctor will conduct several assessments to evaluate your symptoms and determine the presence of the fistula. These assessments may include: Visual Inspection: Your doctor will visually inspect the anal area for any signs of swelling, redness, or discharge.   Digital Examination: Using gloved and lubricated fingers, your doctor will perform a digital examination to:   Check for the presence of the fistula tract. Assess tenderness around the anal area. Feel for any swelling or lumps. Observe for bleeding from the anal area during the insertion of the finger. Diagnostic Tests: In addition to the physical examination, your doctor may recommend several diagnostic tests to further evaluate the anal fistula and assess your overall health. These tests may include: Anoscopy: This involves examining the anal canal using a special scope to visualize the interior and detect the presence of a fistula. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): MRI imaging may be recommended to obtain detailed images of the affected organs or tissues and confirm the presence of a fistula. Colonoscopy: A thin, flexible tube with a light source and camera (endoscope) may be inserted into the body to examine internal organs and detect gastrointestinal fistulas. Preoperative Profile: Set of blood tests that are conducted before an operation. Such tests are determined according to your age, your present health condition, and other associated diseases you might have. Pre-Procedure Preparation: After conducting the necessary physical examinations and diagnostic tests, your proctologist will determine the most appropriate surgical approach for treating the anal fistula. If laser fistula treatment is recommended, you will receive specific instructions to prepare for the procedure. These instructions may include: Discontinuing medications, such as blood thinners, at least 2 to 3 weeks before the surgery. Avoiding smoking and alcoholconsumption for at least 2 weeks prior to the procedure. Planning time off from work for a recovery period of 4 to 5 days post-surgery. Fasting for 8 to 12 hours before the surgery, as it is typically performed under general anesthesia. Arranging for transportation home after the procedure, as you may experience dizziness following the anesthesia’s effects. How Does the Procedure Work? Preparation: You will be taken to a laser-equipped room designated for the procedure. Any excess hair around the surgical site will be shaved by your nurse, if present. The anal area will be thoroughly disinfected using an antiseptic solution such as betadine to remove surface contaminants and minimize the risk of infection. An intravenous (IV) line will be inserted through a thin needle to administer fluids, and antibiotics. Your surgeon will mark the

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Key Differences Between Piles, Anal Fissures, and Anal Fistulas

Piles, fissures, and fistulas are all anorectal diseases that affect the rectum and anal canal. Despite being common conditions, many people struggle to distinguish between them due to their similar symptoms. Here are the major differences between piles, anal fissures, and anal fistulas: 1.    Defining the Disease:  Piles (Hemorrhoids): Inflammation of veins and tissues in the anal region. Anal Fissures: Small cut or tear in the lining of the anus causing bleeding and swelling. Anal Fistulas: Abnormal channel between the anal canal and the skin near the anus, leading to bleeding and pus discharge.  2.    Symptoms: Piles: Bloodstained stools, painful bowel movements, lump near the anus, itching, redness, and soreness. Anal Fissures: Visible cut or tear, intense pain during bowel movements, burning sensation, feeling of incomplete bowel emptying. Anal Fistulas: Pain, swelling, foul-smelling discharge, irritation, bleeding, fever, and chills in severe cases.   3.    Causes: Piles: Chronic constipation, diarrhea, inactive lifestyle, excess body weight, strain during bowel movements. Anal Fissures: Passing large and hard stools due to constipation, chronic diarrhea, anal cancer, rough anal intercourse, inflammatory bowel disease, sexually transmitted infections. Anal Fistulas: Inflammatory bowel disease, cancer treatment, sexually transmitted infections   4.    Preventive Measures:  Piles: Fiber-rich diet, hydration, active lifestyle, avoiding prolonged sitting. Anal Fissures: Fiber-rich diet, hydration, minimizing intake of caffeinated and carbonated drinks. Anal Fistulas: Similar preventive measures as for piles, including dietary adjustments and lifestyle changes. Understanding these differences can help individuals identify their condition accurately and seek appropriate treatment. Piles/Hemorrhoids:  Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, can be aggravated by consuming fried and spicy foods, leading to difficulty in passing stools. This strain can cause inflammation of the veins and tissues in the anal region, resulting in pain and discomfort.  Piles can be internal or external, with severity categorized into four grades: Grade 1: Internal swelling with no visible symptoms. Grade 2: Larger hemorrhoids may protrude during bowel movements but retract afterward. Grade 3: Painful hemorrhoids protrude during bowel movements and require manual manipulation to retract. Grade 4: Severe hemorrhoids remain outside the anus and cause extreme discomfort, necessitating immediate medical attention.   Anal Fissure: An anal fissure requires prompt medical treatment to prevent complications. If left untreated, the tear in the anal lining can worsen with each bowel movement, leading to chronic fissures. Chronic fissures are prone to recurrence and can cause severe complications. Seeking medical help early is crucial to prevent the condition from worsening. Anal Fistula: Medical treatment is essential for fistulas, and choosing the right treatment is crucial to prevent complications and recurrence. Improper treatment can lead to infections or bowel incontinence, highlighting the importance of proper medical care. Laser Treatment for Piles, Fissure, and Fistula: Laser-based treatment is highly effective for piles, fissures, and fistulas, offering a permanent solution with minimal invasiveness. Compared to open surgery, laser treatment ensures faster recovery and lower risk of complications. It is a daycare procedure with a high success rate and minimal complications. Treatment Options: Consultation with Dr. Shavez Khan: It is essential to seek expert medical advice from Dr. Shavez Khan, a specialist in proctology, to accurately diagnose and recommend the most suitable treatment plan. Non-surgical Approaches: This may include dietary modifications, fiber supplements, topical medications, and sitz baths to manage symptoms and promote healing. Minimally Invasive Procedures: For conditions like piles, laser treatment or stapler surgery may be recommended for quick and effective relief with minimal discomfort and downtime. Surgical Intervention: In cases where non-surgical methods are ineffective or for advanced conditions, surgical procedures performed by Dr. Shavez Khan may be necessary to address the underlying issue and prevent complications. Overall, early detection, proper diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans under the guidance of Dr. Shavez Khan ensure effective management and resolution of piles, fissure, and fistula, restoring patients’ health and quality of life.  Tips for Management: Use ice packs or cold compresses to reduce swelling and discomfort. Wear loose, clean, and dry cotton clothing to prevent infections. Take sitz baths in warm water to soothe pain and keep the anal area clean. Avoid scented toilet wipes as they can worsen the condition. Consult a doctor before taking any medication and refrain from self-medication. Takeaway: Early consultation with a specialist is crucial for timely and appropriate treatment of piles, fissures, or fistulas. Follow your doctor’s instructions diligently, attend regular follow-ups, and communicate openly about your symptoms for effective management and improved quality of life.

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best piles doctor and fistula specialist in agra

How to find the Best Piles Doctor and Fistula Specialist in Agra and Nearby Areas

Introduction: Are you struggling with piles, fissures, or fistulas and seeking top-notch medical care in Agra or nearby regions? Look no further! In this detailed guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about finding the best piles doctor and fistula specialist in Agra and its vicinity, with a focus on Dr. Shavez Khan’s cost-effective package. From understanding your condition to selecting the right medical center and specialist, we’ve got you covered. Cost in Delhi Minimum cost Maximum cost At Dr Shavez Khan PilesCenter Laser Piles Surgery Rs 50000 75000 25000 Laser Fissure Surgery 72500 85000 25000 Laser ablation of fistulous tract package 45000 100000 30000   Understanding Piles, Fissures, and Fistulas: Before delving into the search for the best medical care, let’s grasp the conditions we’re addressing. Piles, or hemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the rectum or anus causing discomfort, pain, and bleeding. Fissures are small tears in the anal canal’s lining, leading to pain and bleeding during bowel movements. Fistulas are abnormal tunnels between the anal canal and the skin near the anus, often causing pain, swelling, and discharge. Importance of Choosing the Right Specialist: Selecting the right specialist is pivotal for effective management and optimal outcomes in treating piles, fissures, and fistulas. A skilled and experienced doctor can provide accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and compassionate care throughout your recovery journey. Qualities of the Best Piles Doctor and Fistula Specialist: Here are key qualities to look for when choosing the best piles doctor and fistula specialist in Agra and nearby areas: Expertise: Shavez Khan is a highly skilled proctologist specializing in treating piles, fissures, and fistulas. With extensive experience and specialized training, he ensures the highest standard of care for his patients. Advanced Technology: Khan’s clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including laser treatment for piles and minimally invasive procedures for fistulas. Advanced technology ensures safer, more precise, and more effective treatments. Comprehensive Care: Khan offers comprehensive care, including diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care, ensuring a holistic approach to address patients’ physical and emotional needs. Patient-Centric Approach: Khan prioritizes patient satisfaction and provides personalized care tailored to each patient’s unique needs and preferences. He listens to patients’ concerns, answers their questions, and involves them in decision-making regarding their treatment plan. Positive Reputation: Khan has built a stellar reputation for his expertise, professionalism, and compassionate care. Patient testimonials, online reviews, and ratings attest to the quality of care and patient satisfaction experienced at his clinic. Dr. Shavez Khan’s Cost-Effective Package: Dr. Khan offers a comprehensive package for piles, fissures, and fistulas treatment at an affordable cost of Rs. 25,000 only. This package includes: Initial Consultation and Examination: Dr. Khan conducts a thorough examination and consultation to diagnose the condition accurately. Blood Investigations: All necessary blood tests and investigations are included in the package to assess the patient’s overall health and suitability for treatment. Single Room Charges: Patients are accommodated in single rooms for their comfort and privacy during the treatment process, with all room charges included in the package. Ward Medicine Charges: Ward medicine charges encompass the cost of medications and supplies provided to patients during their post-operative recovery period. This includes pain relievers, antibiotics, dressings, and other necessary medications prescribed by the doctor to facilitate healing and manage any discomfort or complications. All medicine used during surgery and in ward for single day are included in package.( Expect Sugar, hypertension medicine and blood transfusion ) Anesthesia Charges: Anesthesia is administered to ensure that patients undergoing surgical procedures are comfortable and pain-free during the operation. The anesthesia charges cover the cost of the anesthesiologist’s services, medications, and monitoring equipment used during the procedure. Operation Theatre (OT) Charges: OT charges are included in the package, covering the cost of the surgical procedure performed by Dr. Khan in a state-of-the-art facility. Surgery Charges: Surgery charges pertain to the professional fees associated with the surgical procedure performed by Dr. Shavez Khan. This includes the surgeon’s expertise, skill, and time spent conducting the surgery, as well as any additional procedures or interventions required to ensure successful treatment outcomes. Surgery charges included in package. Laser Treatment Charges: The package covers the cost of laser treatment for piles, ensuring a safe, effective, and minimally invasive procedure. The advantages of laser surgery for piles, fissures, and fistulas are numerous and include:  The benefits of laser surgery for piles, fissures, and fistulas are even more enhanced when performed by Dr. Shavez Khan, renowned as the best laser surgeon specializing in these conditions in Agra and its surrounding areas. Dr. Khan’s expertise and experience ensure optimal outcomes for patients seeking treatment for these conditions. Rapid procedure completion, typically within half an hour. No need for incisions or sutures, resulting in no wounds or scars. Minimal swelling and pain post-operation. Patients can usually be discharged from the hospital on the same day. Resumption of regular activities within 48 hours after surgery. Lower risk of infection due to the precision of laser technology. Reduced likelihood of recurrence compared to traditional surgical methods. Quick recovery period, allowing patients to return to their normal routine swiftly. Laser surgery is a safe and effective treatment option for these conditions. With Dr. Shavez Khan’s expertise, patients can trust that they are receiving the highest standard of care and the most advanced treatment available for their piles, fissures, or fistulas. Conclusion: Finding the best piles doctor and fistula specialist in Agra and nearby areas is crucial for effective treatment and optimal outcomes. With Dr. Shavez Khan’s cost-effective package, patients can access top-notch medical care at an affordable cost of Rs. 25,000 only, inclusive of all necessary services and facilities. Don’t let piles, fissures, or fistulas affect your quality of life any longer – take the first step towards healing by choosing Dr. Shavez Khan today!

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